Listen Up!
One of my writing gigs is reviewing music for the LA on Lock music blog and while some of the tunes I hear in their name are not right for that blog's audience, they are still worthy of a large partnership. Here are a few of those for y'all to check out. Everyone of these comes with a slightly different sound, but each spoke to me. Hope they do the same for you. Camille Miller is German born and raised in Canada. This particular song borders on pop and Americana but much of her work leans to a more folk sound. Berith This single feels like old school Kenny Rogers for the first few measures and it carries that 70 country vibe. Berith is Norwegian and her voice hints at that accent to give it a nice complexity. V Blackburn V is a track on an EP titled Public Figures and every other song is a fresh take on a celebrity. She has a big voice and a unique approach to songwriting but this song spoke to me lyrically. Sad and hopeful at the same time. Leero...